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Parco Archeologico delle mura greche della Via Marina

On the seafront Falcomatà, near Piazza Camagna, it is possible to admire the most extensive tract of Hellenistic walls in Reggio Calabria. The elevation in baked brick, stands on the local stone foundations, that have many quarry marks such as TEICHEON (= of the walls); RHEGINON (= of the reggini).
Undefined is the date of construction, although currently, the most likely hypothesis is that these are the walls built after the mid-fourth century b.C., when Dionysius II rebuilt the city assigning the name of Febea, the city of Phoebus Apollo.



Fonte bibliografica: D. Castrizio, M. R. Fascì, R. G. Laganà, Reggio città d'Arte, Reggio Calabria, 2006.


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