Chiesa di Santa Maria dell'Annunziata
(Chiesa degli Ottimati)
This church is generally called the "Church of the Optimates" in reference to the ancient crypt of the Optimates, which was used as a support structure for the Church of the Norman period, built in the twelfth century by the Norman King Roger II, and dedicated to St. Gregory the Great.
The religious building and the crypt, "survived" to the 1908 earthquake only save the mosaic floor, two pairs of marble columns, the major altar and a painting depicting the Annunciation. The typology of the Church is a Latin cross with three naves divided by columns and pillars. At the sides are connected by four marble columns taken from the crypt which supported the structure of the Byzantine Church, and in the counter, placed above the entry there is the painting of the Lady who dictates the rules to St. Ignatius of Loyola ( founder of the Company of Jesus).
The floor of the central nave, is characterized by beautiful mosaics called "cosmateschi" created with opus tessellated with stones of various colors with geometric designs.
Fonte bibliografica: D. Castrizio, M. R. Fascì, R. G. Laganà , Reggio città d'Arte, Reggio Calabria, 2006.