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Chiesa S. Antonio Abate (Archi)

The first phase of construction of the Church of St. Antonio Abate dates to the thirteenth-fourteenth century.  and today is one of the few examples of medieval architecture of the Diocese Reggio Calabria-Bova. Originally the building was divided into three naves, accessed through two monumental main doors. Unfortunately, with time passes, the church was the object of numerous restoration works, the most significant of which dates to the thirteenth century. On this occasion the walking surface has been raised to make place to the construction of two crypts for funeral depositions, with recesses on the walls.

With regard to the movable property of particular historic and artistic interest kept the entire building, deserve mention the tub carved marble holy water font of the seventeenth century and carved wooden statue painted in twentieth century which depicts the Patron of the Church.



Fonte bibliografica: D. Castrizio, M. R. Fascì, R. G. Laganà, Reggio città d'Arte, Reggio Calabria, 2006.

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