Mura Ellenistiche della Collina degli Angeli
This original section of wall dating from the Hellenistic period, originally encircled the polis Rhegion. The visible walls are made of "green bricks", a mixture of mud mixed with straw, closed in predisposed forms and left to dry under the sun. This site is characterized by A curious peculiarity. The scholar Costabile, in the upper part of the wall, found an inscription in Greek characters of which he was able only to give a summary transcription, [...] NKA [...] SA [...] PIAS,. He found also a beautiful votive niche representing a winged victory, with legend TRIS NIKA, that means victory three times. It is not possible to say with exactly whether the two artifacts were placed, if in mutual correlation, or in disconnection. It is more likely that the votive niche has been placed on the walls in memory of a run on the same by the enemy successfully repulsed by Reggini. If this hypothesis resulted truthful, we would find ourselves in front of a unique global example.
Fonte bibliografica: D. Castrizio, M. R. Fascì, R. G. Laganà , Reggio città d'Arte, Reggio Calabria, 2006.